alpha turbo kit

  1. SlingRider

    Alpha Turbo Kit & Welter Performance Exhaust System Questions

    OK, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. I was finally able to take my Slingshot out for a first drive. It was 60 degrees outside and my Slingshot has sat in the garage for a few months. Only has 32 miles on it now. So I'm hoping this is a break in issue. When I start my...

    Polaris Slingshot Alpha Turbo 2nd Gear Pull

    We want to hear more!!!
  3. SlingRider

    2017 Polaris Slingshot SLR - Orange Madness (My Build Journal)

    Hey, SlingRider here and well my Polaris Slingshot has finally come in!!! I'm super pumped!!! What do you think of Roxy? Options being installed before picked up: 1. Alpha Turbo Kit 2. ARP Head Stud Kit 3. Alpha Powersports Carbon Fiber Belt Guard 4. TricLED Swingarm License Plate Relocator...

    Alpha Turbo Kit or Rotrex Supercharger Kit by DDMWorks

    So which would do you like more? It seems like the supercharger kit makes more power because you can switch the size of the pulleys. @SlingMods Brandon care to give us your opinion?

    Alpha Turbo Kit for the Polaris Slingshot

    So what do you think of the Alpha Turbo Kit for the Polaris Slingshot? 1. Price 2. Quality 3. Installation Let's hear you!